One of my favorite things to do is go to the thrift stores in my area and see what treasures I can turn into unique additions for the house. It takes quite a bit of time to go through the store, sometimes even a couple of hours. I know, that's crazy, why not do garage sales and Craigslist? Well, garage sales today are kinda depressing with people selling things because they really need money due to the economy and they jack their prices up. Craigslist is iffy at the best of times. You never know who you are going to meet. With thrift stores, the items are donated because the people needed to get rid of it rather than sell it. This month I have been focused on not only decor for the house, but also planters. I am unable to get my green thumb on because we moved in about a month ago, so I started hording planters until we plant our garden. I cook as much as I can from scratch and love having fresh herbs a few feet away on the deck. I am not a big fan of the Terracotta planters and like to see what I can reuse. Here are some of the tin planters that I found.
As you can see, my mini garden on the deck is filled with some unique
planters. Others I used around the house as decor for the guestroom. The lamp and end-tables you see are heirlooms. But the rest is from thrift stores, even the guest towels in the basket.
I found one for outgoing mail, although Josh's Gamefly doesn't quite fit. This was a brass colored tin and I painted it with Rustoleum's Metallic Bronze paint. Caution it is oil based!
And even in the dining room on top of the china cabinet.
As a side-note, all of the decor you see on top of the china cabinet is second hand from the tulips to the candelabra in the back. This is proof that if you spend your time looking past all the usual items that are in a thrift store and use your imagination you can find some great things for your home at a great price.
Happy hunting!
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