Sunday, October 7, 2012

Football Season

It is truly amazing how much time can be wasted, sometimes worth it though, watching football while there are chairs to be sanded and stained, stairs to be carpeted, lighting fixtures to be installed, etc.  Thank the Gods for this Four Day that we had.  We were able to get the chairs sanded and stained (going to reupholster them tonight), stairs carpeted and didn't even kill each other.  Granted I have a lot left on my list of must dos before the Holidays set in, but it feels good to get the stairs and chairs done.  Now it is on to the light fixtures, kitchen pendant and outdoor lights, as well as the board and batten in the dining room, bead board in the bathroom, trim in the guest bedroom (as well as the curtain holdbacks), and just life itself.  And as much as I love seeing my Irish and my Vikings winning this season, for the first time I am starting to feel like a football widow who needs to get the house done for parties.


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