Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hello gorgeous....

So, in the midst of all my repining on Pinterest and coming up with my own evil genius craft ideas, I decided to start my very own blog.  You may be wondering "who is this girl and why should I read her ramblings in the form of a blog?"  Well, I, Molly, am a writer and ethnohistorian by trade and a stay at home mom by choice.  I married my best friend and the love of my life, Josh; we have a wee one named Liam, as well as a dog, Jack, and cat, Guinness.  We also just bought a newish 1970s era classic split level that we are currently doing some sweat equity on.  I figured I would also share that with all of you people in cyberland, as well as some recipes, D.I.Ys, and general randomness that is pure Molly.  I hope you enjoy.

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