Sunday, July 29, 2012

Home Sweet Headache

One of the things that I love about our new home is that it is pretty much a blank slate for all our projects and ideas.  One of the things that is giving me a headache is that our home is a blank slate for all our projects and ideas.  Since the furniture that we have needs to find a new place, and the fact that I went a little crazy in procuring newish furniture for the new house, some of the furniture has acquired a new purpose.  We had a wooden filing cabinet that was given to us.  It worked great at the old house; but here, we have no room.  So, I came up with a brilliant plan to redo it into a bench for at the foot of our bed...a week later I am still working on the project.  In the midst of all this we are also replacing all the light fixtures in the house, redecorating the fireplace, wallpapering the basement, making curtains, and watching a very precocious 1 year old.  It is an absolute mad house, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  

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