Saturday, August 4, 2012

Busy, busy, busy...

So we are preparing for our first house guest in the new house.  One of our best friends will be staying with us for a bit after coming back from Korea.  In the midst of getting the house ready for guests, we are experiencing a bit of a heat wave.  Already 74 degrees and it is not even noon yet.  Great weather for being outside cleaning out the three storage sheds we have in the backyard.  As much as I am not looking forward to clearing out the items left behind by the previous owners, we do need to get it do so that the items in the garage, i.e the lawnmower, can go to its new home in the storage sheds so that I can have the garage freed up for my projects.  The biggest one that I want to get done is the bead board in the dining room.  It is getting a bit annoying having to wait for a weekend to get these projects done, and now it is so hot no one wants to go outside.  Hopefully we can get some of the work done before it gets to be too late and the sun gets to be too hot and become too lazy.

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