Friday, August 31, 2012

Finally able to take a breath.

So this Labor Day weekend also happens to be our wedding anniversary weekend.  This year is a big one considering that Josh is actually in the country this year.  Normally we would pack up the dog and head out to the ocean, but this year with the new house we are staying put and doing projects...too many to count to get ready to show off the house during a family BBQ this weekend.  Now that the garage has been cleared out (YEA!) Josh is currently down in the garage; music pumping, power tools grinding, and sawdust flying; making workbenches.  His and hers if you will.  Really looking forward to having a space to do my projects somewhere other than the dining room table.  We also started staining the bathroom vanity with a really great gel stain.  I will be posting those pictures later on when it is all done, as well as the tricks I found to make it stick in one coat.  I spent yesterday ripping out the bushes near the front door of the house, got sick of walking into spiderwebs everyday, and now it looks better.  Although I am trying to convince Josh that we need to expand the front porch out so we can have a bench and potted plants, mostly better curb appeal and sweat equity.  Will be posting pics of that later as well. There are plenty more projects to do with the house before the housewarming party in a few months.  For now I am relaxing whilst the stain dries and updating this blog with a few posting few projects that I have completed while working on the house.  I hope you enjoy them and am sorry for the lapse in postings.  Life has been hectic, but cest la vie. 


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