Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Craft Storage Re-do

So a few Christmases ago Josh bought me a white craft storage unit from one of the larger craft store chains.  It has been hidden away with crafting supplies just stuffed into it and then banished to the garage when we moved.  After seeing that I would have to wait a few more weeks before having my crafting haven downstairs, I decided to give it a little pizazz with the contact paper that I bought and some paint.

Here is the before.  I do like the color white, but as an accent.  This was a bit too boring.

First I dismantled the storage cube.
 After I took the cube apart, making sure I marked which screws went where, I laid out all the parts on the table and measured out the contact paper.

I planned on covering the two sides as well as the top of the cube and the front of the storage drawers.  

After laying the contact paper on the larger pieces, I smoothed out all the air bubbles that popped up.  I also made sure to measure out enough contact paper so that I could overlap along the edges so that when it was screwed back together the paper would stay.  Once again, this is contact paper that I bought from the dollar store and I want to make sure that it will stay put.

After the three larger pieces were covered I stared to reassemble the cube.

 Once the cube was put back together it was time to also do the front of the drawers.  At Josh's suggestion I chose to paint the front of the drawers instead of placing the contact paper on them.

Once the paint was dry I reattached the pulls, and reattached the drawer fronts.

Here is the finished storage cube.

As you can see it looks much better.  All it took was some paint and contact paper.  If it wasn't for a whirlwind of chaos named Liam, I would keep this out all the time.  Now I am really looking forward to creating my crafting haven as soon as we get most of the garage cleaned out.

Happy crafting,

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