Friday, August 31, 2012

Dessert Dishes Project

So I have been seeing on Pinterest different ways to personalize Dollar Tree pottery.  I hopped right on this bandwagon because its a cheap, yet fun craft.  I bought at first 4 plates with the intention of personalizing them with a cursive "L".  They looked pretty bad. so I took some stencils and colored sharpies and went to town.

If you are wondering what happened to the "4" plates, I got a bit carried away and decided that we need at least 20 hors D'oeuvres plates for parties.  And then reality struck and I settled for 12 for myself and two sets of 4 for gifts (I am currently in a holiday gifts making mode).  The first set I had a lot of fun with because I could play with the design a bit.  First I chose the stencil that I thought would look good for the intended recipient.
I then took some of my pretty sharpies and got to coloring.
See how much prettier this is than regular black sharpie?
I did four plates with different bloom colors.
After coloring, I placed them in my oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.  While I was waiting for these plates to finish I started on my other plates.  This design was repeated on all 4 plates.
The two sets of 4 above are my gifts to people while the next design I loved so much I am keeping for myself.  At first I wanted to do the design in silver to match my china, thus the 12 dishes I am keeping for myself.
As you can see the silver is not looking too good, so I switched it up to black.
It does look a lot better with the black and this design and much better than the cursive "L" that I tried.  The stencils worked great and I love all the different combinations I can create with the colored sharpies.  They also work great as an inexpensive gift for holidays, birthdays, hostess gifts, etc.

Happy Crafting!

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